Monday, July 4, 2011

Vanilla Macarons Affair :)

sorry this is a note, I have a feeling that I might update my blog most probably 3 or 4 times today. 
because I've been away quite long I suppose.
the weather here isn't helping that much, lazy bum.

so yesterday, my sister and I made macarons again.:)
actually, yesterday was such a busy day. 
because it was my mum's birthday.
so yeah. 

OH, and we successfully knew the exact recipe now, 
well, so far I guess for two experiment it was a success. :)
was really happy with it 
but the ganache was a bit disappointed. 
you'll know why in my next post :P

 during the 'drying' period.

freshly home baked :) 

filling in the ganache, vanilla flavour. eek, too sweet :P 

after it was chilled :) 

perfect as we want it to be, I see the 'feet'! 
if you're a macarons crazie, you'll know what I mean :) 



Anonymous said...

wat r these...i want them !! >//< reply me at my wall !!! shazlien !! they look scrumptious !!!!!

Nava K said...

you are so good at making macaroons, my attempt was disaster but managed to ask ppl to taste as scones and they bought that.

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